
Tara Rokpa Therarpy Centre in Zimbabwe

Supporting women in coping with stress and trauma and maintaining a day care centre for children with and without disabilities.

  • Approach
  • Current status
  • Partners

Opportunities for disadvantaged women through therapy groups

The project's therapeutic group work is open to all people in emergency situations, regardless of religion, gender or age. 90 percent of the participants are women, many HIV-positive and some with disabled children. Most of the people who take up the offer come from "High Density Areas", i.e. the slums around Zimbabwe's capital Harare.

Women from the slums are supported in coping with stress and trauma in the form of self-help groups and also receive medical care. They can put their children with and without disabilities in a day care centre and also grow food there for self-sufficiency. The harvest is often prepared for the children at the centre. Due to high poverty and unemployment, expensive school fees and cramped living conditions, women and children in particular suffer from domestic violence and impoverishment. If HIV infection is added to this, those affected often lose their families and are hardly able to provide for themselves. The same applies to women who have a disabled child.

This is where the Tara Rokpa Centre comes in, which sees itself as a development path towards more compassion. The organisational form in therapeutic group offers promotes the emergence of a supportive community that respects the freedom of the individual. This special kind of non-judgemental community is an important healing factor for those affected and one of Tara Rokpa's strengths. Since the beginning of the project, the group approaches, topics and contents have evolved: In the meantime, there are offers with relaxation therapy, body work and reflection, as well as with other forms of therapy to strengthen body and soul.


There are currently six groups with an average of 25 participants who meet monthly or every two weeks to work together. These are led by two group leaders (facilitators), each with a trained trainer and an interpreter and assistant. Due to the high demand, the Tara Rokpa Center would like to run more groups, but unfortunately does not currently have the necessary financial resources to cover the demand.

2023: EUR 4,993.13 (support for group work)



Tara Rokpa Centre
Trish Swift
Monovale Harare / Zimbabwe

-Project number: AC 5801
- In contact since: 2017
-Project location: Capital Harare and the "High Density Areas" around the city
-Project executing agency: Tara Rokpa Therapy Zimbabwe

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